The Pokemon Sun & Moon New Nintendo 3DS XL will release on October 28th (November 11th in Canada) for $199.99 USD ($239.99 CAD). Thankfully, there are plenty of other plates featuring Pokemon available for the New Nintendo 3DS, so chances are die-hard Pokemon fans will be able to find something that suits them and shows their love for the series. This is in keeping with other new variants of the handheld, like the Galaxy Style New Nintendo 3DS. Gamers who have already picked up the New Nintendo 3DS XL will probably be a bit disappointed since the handheld has interchangeable plates, yet there's no sign of Nintendo offering the cover of this particular handheld for sale by itself. The catch is that these are only confirmed for Europe so far. However, the New Nintendo 3DS XL does offer superior 3D viewing from varying angles as well as a faster processor that's capable of playing more technically advanced games like Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, so it's ultimately a personal decision for gamers to decide whether it's worth upgrading at this time. The upcoming Generation VII Pokemon games, Pokemon Sun and Moon, are getting Steelbooks and 3DS XL special editions. It may be worth pointing out that Pokemon Sun & Moon is expected to play completely normally on the original 3DS handhelds, so upgrading to a New Nintendo 3DS XL isn't necessary. It's also not the first iteration of a Pokemon-themed 3DS, with Pikachu variants of the original 3DS and 3DS XL releasing a few years back. This year alone has seen the Pokemon 2DS in Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow released in Japan, as well as the Pokemon Red & Blue-themed New Nintendo 3DS. This is Nintendo's latest handheld Pokemon release, following a veritable Poke-palooza of Pokemon-themed handhelds in celebration of the series' 20th anniversary.
Target pokemon sun and moon 3ds xl series#
This does allow Nintendo to release the 3DS prior to Pokemon Sun & Moon's release, however, so gamers can scoop one up on October 28th in preparation for the new series if they so choose.

However, gamers should be aware that the handheld won't include a copy of Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon, following in the footsteps of other game-themed 3DS releases like The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes New Nintendo 3DS XL.

The Pokemon Sun & Moon New 3DS XL's design is stylized, making it a more subtle choice for fans than the Pokemon Red & Blue New Nintendo 3DS. The latest version of the New Nintendo 3DS XL features the two legendary Pokemon from the upcoming Pokemon Sun & Moon on the cover, Solgaleo and Lunala, outlined in white on a black background. With a new iteration of the long-running Pokemon series on its way - Pokemon Sun & Moon - Nintendo has fittingly announced a Pokemon-themed New 3DS will premiere to celebrate the new entry.

I do it for the love of the scene and the wanting I have to better it and expand it.Nintendo announces a Pokemon Sun & Moon-themed New Nintendo 3DS XL, with cover art highlighting the game's two new legendary Pokemon, Solgaleo and Lunala. After realizing that I could make an impact on the industry through entertaining and informative videos, I had finally found my calling.Bringing YOU everything YOU need without the bullshit!Unlike many channels out there I do not do this for any money. The channel began in April 2015 on Youtube and exploded in popularity. The Simply Austin Channel is a unique blend cutting edge video tutorials on some of the most entertaining systems and programs out there.